Milk Kefir Grains on Spoon

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  1. Is it true what I heard that kefir differs from any other fermentation in the fact that its mother culture/starter will always spread itself into the entire liquid, so even if you redo the process dozens of times the beginner culture physical properties will be still present, different is for instance, using sourdough culture of rye into a spelt dough, after redoing the process numbers of times, lab test wont find anymore traces of the rye”?

    1. Yes, this is my understanding, too. I use the exact same milk kefir grains over and over again. I add milk kefir grains to fresh milk. Once the kefir has fermented, I rinse these grains and add them to a new batch of milk to start the exact same process over again. This holds true for water kefir grains as well. So, in essence, the kefir grains ferment the milk or water but do not become the fermented product; they maintain their complex structure. Thanks for pointing out this interesting information about kefir grains.

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