Best Tips on How to Grow Lavender at Home
Lavender plants consist of fragrant leaves and bee-friendly flowers, beloved by many people across the world. Discover how to grow lavender at home!
This fragrant plant is commonly used in aromatherapy to promote calmness and to relieve stress. The essential oil from lavender is wonderful when added to homemade room fresheners.
Moreover, lavender oil is extracted from its striking purple flowers for making perfumes, cosmetics, essential oils and potpourri. Discover the many benefits of lavender.

Therefore, millions of people prefer buying expensive self-care products infused with lavender essential oil for pain relief, to treat skin disorders, induce sleep, and boost hair growth.
But, regardless of all the products and oils that can be made from lavender plants, you may just want to grow lavender plants for the sheer beauty they provide.
Lavender is considered a perennial in some zones. So, it may offer a wonderful addition to your perennial flower garden.

From Lavandula angustifolia (English lavender) and Lavandula dentata (French lavender) to Lavandula stoechas (Spanish lavender), lavender comes in various forms, colors, shapes, and fragrances.
If you are thinking about planting lavender along the entrance to your home or near your patio, consider growing English lavender as it yields the highest quality lavender oil with a strong scent.
In addition, it can thrive in cooler climates in a sheltered location and can be used as a moth repellent and for cooking purposes.
On the other hand, Spanish and French lavender plants are more suitable for sweltering and humid climates.
Best Growing Zones for Lavender

When to Plant Lavender
Spring offers the best climate with a temperature of around 60°F to plant lavender. Its Mediterranean origin requires dry soil and a blazing hot sun.
However, certain external factors such as high humidity levels, too much shade, and overwatering can hinder its growth. If you are growing lavender in the fall, it is best to choose larger plants; this will help ensure their survival through the winter.

Preparing a Planting Site for Lavender
From weak to moderately fertile, most varieties of soil are suitable for growing lavender. However, consider adding some organic material for better drainage if you are using clay or compact soil.
In addition, choose a location that receives direct rays of sunlight. Also, avoid wet areas, which may lead to root rot.
Remember that lavender is a wonderful bee friendly plant. They are fantastic for helping increase the pollinator population!

Planting Lavender
It is not easy to grow lavender from seeds as they require at least three months to germinate; which is why you may want to select small starter plants from a nursery.
Similarly, you can cut a small portion from a mature plant to speed up the process. Allow two to four weeks for softwood cuttings from the lavender root and up to eight weeks for hardwood cuttings.
Ensure that each stem is rooted at a minimum spacing distance of 2 to 3 feet.

How to Care for Lavender
Once you have planted lavender, water it at least once or twice a week in the initial stage until buds start to form.
If you are growing lavender in colder areas. It is best to cover the plants with evergreen boughs or straw for extra winter protection.
Also, you can plant it in a pot for storing indoors in winter to prevent it from freezing winds and low temperatures.

Drying Lavender Sprigs
Make sure to try this super easy method on how to dry lavender stems. Simply gather 12 inch long sprigs that are in full bloom.
To make dried lavender bundles, simply tie several stem together in small bundles and hang them upside down in a cool, dark and dry location. This is an easy way on how to dry out lavender.
Discover the many uses for dried lavender! But, if you are wondering is lavender harmful for cats, the answer is yes!…...Lavender is harmful for cats. Do not give your cats lavender.
Instead, try Catnip for your kitties!
Fresh or dried sprigs of lavender make wonderful additions to small bouquets, potpourri and sachets. Here are some additional ways to dry your home grown lavender!

Lavender Q & A:
1. How Do I Find a Lavender Farm Near Me?
Since lavender has special growing needs, it may be difficult to find lavender fields or a lavender farm near where you live.
Take a look at this wonderfully helpful website on lavender fields near me in the USA without having to travel to Europe.
Beautiful Lavender Farms to Visit
2. Are There Lavender Festivals Each Year?
Each year there are farms that may have Lavender Festivals or Farm & Field Tours to celebrate this incredibly beautiful and versatile plant.
Make sure to check out these locations to find one close to you.
- The Denver Botanical Gardens in Colorado
- Pelindaba Lavender in Friday Harbor, Washington
- Purple Haze Lavender Farm in Semquin, Washington Lavender Festival
- Blanco, Texas Lavender Festival
- Imlay City, Michigan Lavender Festival
- White Oak Lavender, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- Lavender by the Bay in East Marion, NY
- Peaceful Valley Lavender Farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania
- Hood River Lavender Farm in Hood River Oregon
Additional information on Lavender Growers in the USA
3. Can I Grow Lavender Indoors?
Lavender is typically an outdoor plant. They need a lot of sunlight and are sensitive to temperature. But, with proper care, lavender can be grown indoors.
Find out what you will need to grow lavender as an indoor plant.
Top Tips for Growing Lavender Indoors
4. Does Lavender Regrow Each Year?
Lavender plants will continue to come back each year for about 3 to 5 years.
5. How to Prune Lavender
Lavender should be pruned annually to help encourage growth and flowers. Pruning will help your lavender plants to look and smell their best!
6. How to Choose the Best Lavender for Your Location
Lavender typically does best in the in areas that have cool, humid winters but hot, dry summers similar to their native habitat along the Mediterranean Coast.
How to Pick the Best Variety of Lavender for Your Location

In Conclusion:
Lavender plants require special growing conditions. But, since they are such a beautiful addition to any garden or landscape, it is very worthwhile to consider adding lavender to your garden.
Just make sure to review all the planting conditions and requirements as well the ideal growing zones before planting lavender.
In the event, you can’t grow this perennial due to your location, make sure to discover the marvelous health benefits of lavender.

You will benefit either way with growing lavender or simply enjoying its benefits!